Used VW spares boksburg

We represent local VW Scrap Yards in Boksburg  selling used and new VW parts.


VW Part Request Form

    Find Used VW Parts From Scrap Yards

    Let us help you find used VW spares in Boksburg quickly! Simpy submit the part request form and you will be immediately communicating with a network of VW scrap yards. Contact us engine parts from a large range of VW A4 vehicles.

    We have a network of suppliers that will reply with quotes for spares. Choose the best quote and buy your VW spares directly from the VW scrap yard. If you are looking for new parts then its is usually preferable to buy your VW spares in your commnunity from legitimate businesses in Boksburg.

    Our Latest Blog Posts

    Burnt Out Clutch Symptoms, Causes And Consequences

    Burnt Out Clutch Symptoms, Causes And Consequences

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    Battery Light Is On: Causes And Consequences

    Issues covered in the material: How the battery warning light works Why is the battery light on Why is the battery light off Every car owner from time to time conducts diagnostics of his car to identify problems. Nowadays, it becomes almost impossible to do this,...

    Tips For Buying Used VW Parts in Boksburg

    1. Try to buy used parts from a trusted supplier who your friends and acquaintances bought from;
    2. When buying used spare parts, specify the origin of the spare part and the year of manufacture of the “donor machine”;
    3. Clarify the possibility of returning the part in case of malfunction, demand a guarantee;
    4. Do not buy pre-paid spare parts, do not buy used parts. spare parts on the Internet, most often the seller just did “cleaning his garage” and decided to make money on old unnecessary spare parts. Only accept cash on delivery;
    5. If you decide to buy spare parts on the Internet, give preference to companies that are seriously engaged in the sale of used spare parts and can provide a guarantee or make a refund. Read reviews about the seller or the site on which you intend to buy spare parts;
    6. To receive the spare part at the post office, bring along a specialist who can determine the condition of the spare part, its serviceability, as well as the service life and feasibility of the purchase;
    7. Try to buy simple used spare parts, the state of which can be determined at a glance, for example: headlights, elements of the body, interior, simple parts of the engine compartment (tanks, plastic, hoses). This will avoid “scammers”, because buying a complex part, such as a fuel pump, oil pump, sensors, automatic transmission parts or piston group, you will not be able to check their performance at the place of receipt, and after assembly, return or prove anything it will be very difficult for you.

